Author: © 2010 - All Rights Reserved - Sharon B. Cohen

Sharon B. Cohen, MA, Counselling Psychology, CPRP. Member of MBA CSC and NCDA. Sharon is a Career Transition Specialist and Virtual Career Counselor who resides in Atlanta, GA. In her private practice she provides career counseling, testing and education for business professionals. She teaches her clients to leverage Social Media, Blogging and Web 2.0 strategies, to access the “Hidden Job-Market” and reach their career potential. She is a guest blog writer for 25 Career Web-sites including; sites for 22 American cities (ie:,, etc...) According to Google Analytics, her Blogsite "My Career Manager" has a global readership which spans 23 different countries.

Additionally, she is a Global, MBA Career Counselor and Adjunctive Instructor for the Robinson College of Business, at Georgia State University. She provides Career Management Counseling, testing and services for 500+ MBA graduates each semester. At GSU she is an Adjunctive Instructor and teaches 13 different workshops on various career and job search topics. She also helps recruiters, attract, select and retain talented candidates. This keeps her up-to-date on the 'recruiting pulse.'

• Read Sharon’s biography on LinkedIn
• Join her on Twitter at “My Career Manager”
• Read Sharon’s Career blog posts on her website My Career Manager.