For good reason, leadership is often discussed on LJNRadio, but the definition of what or who is a leader seems to be lacking. Scott Friend, a project manager for a major construction group, argues that every person has the capability to be a leader, no matter what their role. In Scott's conversation with Tim Muma, he draws off of his seven years in the Navy to give the listeners the reasoning behind his beliefs, the value...
A balanced life, with an appropriate amount of time dedicated to an employee’s personal life, and work, is something that companies value. How is this life-work balance achieved, and why can it help you get hired? Lisa Rangel, founder of Chameleon Resumes, joins the show to answer these questions, and dive into more detail on how you can achieve life-work balance.
There are many stereotypes surrounding telecommuting; from believing that telecommuters work in their pajamas or watch television all day, instead of working. Jolie Miller, Director of Business and Education Content at, joins the show to share her experiences as a veteran telecommuter, and to debunk the common stereotypes that surround telecommuting.
The conversation about a company's culture, and the effects on productivity, satisfaction and overall success, is a widely popular one. In this episode, Chris Cancialosi discusses some strategies for changing that culture from within the organization if needed, instead of waiting for management to make adjustments. Chris is a managing partner and founder of gothamCulture, and he argues to Tim Muma that everyone has the capa...
Job stress is one of the top causes of stress in American adults, and these levels have increased in recent years, according to The American Institute of Stress. With growing workloads, issues with co-workers, anxiety over job security, and the pressure to balance work and personal lives, many Americans are feeling the effects of a stressful life. Neca Smith, leadership and management trainer, joins LJNRadio to discuss stre...
When it comes to the workplace, one item that may or may not be present is the idea of gratitude, whether it is expressed in words or actions. Andria Corso, founder of C3 Coaching and Consulting, has worked with a variety of Fortune 100 C-Suite leadership teams, and she brings that perspective to LJNRadio. In Andria's experience, gratitude holds plenty of power in the workplace and she has some different ways it looks and s...
Do you really know what you want from your career? Many of us know what we want from our careers; however, some of us get stuck in a quest for perfection. This can cause individuals to want to keep their options open and be reluctant to commit (read: What if I make the wrong choice? What if something better comes along?). Janet Matta, a Career Advisor at the University of Washington, joins the show to explore how to make go...
When discussing influence, there are some important factors to consider, particularly when you're deemed an extrovert. Denise Brouillette joins Tim Muma to share her insight and perspective on the rules of influence for this group of people. As CEO of LeaderXpress, Denise has been helping individuals with strategic leadership consultancy for nearly 20 years, which includes tips on influencing other effectively.
Striking the balance between fashionable yet professional clothing in the office can be difficult. Although work ethic and motivation are often key contributors to an employee’s success in the workplace, choosing professional clothing is also an important aspect of certain careers. Kat Griffin, founder and publisher of the website Corporette, joins LJNRadio to offer advice on choosing clothing that is both stylish and profe...
Human resources professionals come in all shapes and sizes…from generalists to specialists in compensation, compliance, and more. With so many options, how is one to know how to be successful in such a vital part of their businesses? Alan Collins, founder of Success in HR and Author of “Winning Big in HR,” joins the show to share his insight on the growing field of Human Resources.